We’ll be honest and acknowledge the fact that the festival market is . . . well, a little bloated. In the summer months, it seems like there’s some new niche festival every weekend, and as a result, picking which event(s) you’re going to attend gets a little difficult. Lineups are weighed against each other, drives are debated, and we’re sure that someone somewhere has made a festival pro/con list.
Well, allow us to make at least one of your festival decisions a little easier. This weekend, BreakFEST—the New Found Glory-founded festival that combines (you guessed it) breakfast and emo/pop-punk—is returning for its second year in Franklin. For one day only, you can come enjoy the likes of New Found Glory (naturally), Real Friends, and Hawthorne Heights while sampling some of the finest breakfast in Middle Tennessee (including Frothy Monkey, Five Daughters, and more). The fest kicks off at 8 a.m., so make sure to lay out your tightest skinny jeans and brightest Converse the night before. Get all the info here.
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Chelsea Kaiah James
Why aren't there any ears sculpted onto the presidents of Mt. Rushmore? Because American doesn't know how to listen. - Unkown