Pride is a time dedicated to spreading love and empowering others around you. It’s also a time when people are free to be themselves. Whether you identify as a member of the LGBTQ community or are an ally, Nashville’s two-day pride festival is a time to show some love.
The festival features performances by Wilson Phillips, Jojo, Taylor Bennett, and more. The event also features an equality walk, a kid zone, and over 200 vendors (featuring local artists and businesses).
As usual, Nashville Pride Festival will be held at Public Square Park, right in front of City Hall, on June 23 and 24. For only $5 entry each day (kids 10 and under are admitted free of charge), Nashville Pride Festival is a great way to show your community some love and have some fun this summer.
Learn more about the festival and buy tickets here.
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Why aren't there any ears sculpted onto the presidents of Mt. Rushmore? Because American doesn't know how to listen. - Unkown