It’s a frustrating and surreal time to be alive. Every day in America looks more like The Handmaid’s Tale, so it’s often hard to stay positive and keep your head above water. Our advice? Look to the organizers.
To celebrate the 98th anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment in Tennessee’s legislature (that’s the one that gave American women the right to vote), the Board of the Tennessee Suffrage Monument is throwing a celebration at Alan LeQuire’s Tennessee Woman Suffrage Monument (located in Centennial Park). Mayor Briley will be in attendance, and representatives from suffrage fundraising committees in Memphis, Chattanooga, and Clarksville will present plans for monuments in their respective cities.
What better way to spend a Saturday than honoring suffrage in a public park? Revisit our profile on LeQuire here, and get more info on the Equality Day events here.
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Chelsea Kaiah James
Why aren't there any ears sculpted onto the presidents of Mt. Rushmore? Because American doesn't know how to listen. - Unkown